This data tool is in beta phase and only works on Windows machines. To use this data tool login to the Data Hub where you will upload data, copy your API key from your profile (upper right of website), download the .exe file on your Windows machine, run the file and follow the prompts to perform a function of your choice. This data tool is in beta phase and only works on Windows machines.

This data tool (in Beta or testing phase) has several functions

1.) Create new datasets and upload a variety of files (any file type) to the dataset. 2.) Add new files (any file type) to an existing dataset. 3.) Add many files of the same type with the same metadata at once. 4.) Depending the file type, this tool will extract the file (TEM & Raman) metadata automatically.

This API uses python to gather and extract metadata from FEI TEM instrument using a Gatan Digital Micrograph, Rigaku XRD powder diffraction instrument and Horiba Raman microscopy files and non-instrument files that to not contain metadata within the file. There are several file formats that this API deals with and has the ability to be further expanded to other instruments. These are the current file formats:

1.) .dm3 files from GATAN Digital Micrograph 2.) .RAW files that have been saved along with .txt files form Rigaku XRD system 3.) .spc files from Horiba Raman system (must be saved as .spc files for metadata extraction and generation of a .txt file) 4.) All other files with a file extension

Please do not automatically upload 100s+ of files using this tool without also using your discretion.

Dataset Metadata

Author admin
Maintainer Email
Institution NREL
Data Source Type External Data or Tools

Author admin
Updated November 28, 2019, 00:01 (UTC)
Created August 11, 2019, 19:46 (UTC)